
Kuleba discussed preparations for the Washington NATO summit with Marshal of the Polish Sejm

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Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba expressed gratitude to the Polish side for participating in the inaugural Peace Summit in Switzerland and Poland's support for the joint communique of the summit.

Minister of foreign affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba held a meeting with Marshal of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland Szymon Golovnia, who paid a visit to Ukraine for the first time.


Dmytro Kuleba expressed gratitude to the Polish side for participating in the inaugural Peace Summit in Switzerland and Poland's support for the joint communique of the summit.

The parties discussed further ways of cooperation with the countries of Africa, Asia and South America.

They separately discussed preparations for the Washington NATO summit and the signing of a bilateral security agreement. The interlocutors also noted the intensive dynamics of Ukrainian-Polish relations, in particular inter-parliamentary cooperation.

Active cooperation at the parliamentary level between our states confirms the strategic nature of relations and contributes to the implementation of our joint initiatives

- said Minister Dmitry Kuleba. 


Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhol met in Kyiv with Marshal of the Polish Sejm Szymon Golovnya to discuss energy cooperation, the country's integration into the EU and bilateral infrastructure projects.

Зеленський обговорив підписання безпекової угоди з маршалком Сейму Польщі19.06.24, 15:19


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