
Knife attack in France leaves five wounded

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Five people were stabbed, two of them seriously, in a knife attack in the French city of Metz, with no arrests made and terrorism ruled out as a motive for the attack.

Five people were stabbed, two of them very seriously, in the city of Metz in northeastern France, the city prosecutor said, UNN reports citing BFMTV.


The Metz prosecutor announced this Monday, June 17, that five people were stabbed, two of them very seriously. 

According to the newspaper, the incident occurred this morning in front of the company's building in the city. No arrests were made at this stage.

The terrorist trail has been ruled out at this stage, according to the prosecutor, who could not immediately provide any other information.

Поліція заарештувала двох людей за напад з ножем на чоловіка в Осло17.06.24, 04:55


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