
Israel resumes hostage talks with Hamas: CIA and Qatari prime minister join meeting in Europe

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Israel, the CIA and Qatar should resume negotiations in Europe for the release of hostages held by Hamas.

The CIA Director will meet with the head of the Mossad in Europe to resume negotiations on the release of hostages held by Hamas. Officials from Qatar and Egypt may also take part in the talks. This was reported by UNN with reference to The Times and Rai News.


CIA Director William Burns will travel to Europe in the coming days to meet with Mossad Chief David Barnea. The meeting may be joined by Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani. The topic of the meeting is the resumption of negotiations on the release of Israeli hostages held by Hamas. This was reported by The Times and confirmed by two officials.

This high-level meeting will be the first since the talks were suspended two weeks ago after Hamas reacted to a proposal developed by American, Qatari and Egyptian mediators. During previous negotiations, the amendments were deemed unacceptable.


The proposal called for the phased release of the remaining 128 Israeli hostages, starting with the release of 33 women, elderly and sick abductees during a six-week ceasefire period. The second phase was to release the remaining hostages and negotiate a permanent ceasefire. The bodies of hostages held by Hamas would then be released during the third phase.


Israel says it is ready to resume truce talks with Hamas to free hostages and establish a ceasefire amid the ongoing war in Gaza.


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