
"Iron Dome for Europe" - Prime Ministers of Poland and Denmark discussed the creation of an air defense system

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Poland and Denmark discussed the creation of an effective European missile and air defense system similar to Israel's Iron Dome to protect the region.

Prime Ministers of Poland and Denmark Donald Tusk and Mette Frederiksen discussed security issues in the region and further assistance to Ukraine during a meeting in Warsaw. Donald Tusk noted that Europe needs an effective missile and air defense system and that Poland wants to participate in the construction of the so-called "Iron Dome" over Europe. This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Polish Prime Minister's Office.

"The world has really fallen. The roles have been distributed, and it is clear what is black and what is white. The issues are no longer political, but logistical and practical. There is no more important goal, and we will work on this in the European Union as well, to correct the European paradigm that assumed that there would be no war and that we were under the reliable umbrella of the United States," Donald Tusk acknowledged.

He also said that Denmark, as well as Germany and the United Kingdom, are working together in the European Union to create a European missile and air defense system. 

"Iran's attack on Israel has confirmed the importance of having such a system. (...) I am pleased that Madam Prime Minister has responded positively to my intention to join Poland in this project in Europe," Donald Tusk said.

Also, according to him,  quick and effective assistance to Ukraine is needed. 

"This is also what unites Denmark and Poland. We have the same views. [We will be among those who help and mobilize others to help Ukraine. Denmark and Poland rule out any other scenario than the one in which Ukraine will preserve its integrity and independence," Donald Tusk assured.

The Danish Prime Minister reminded that Germany has already responded by providing Ukraine with additional Patriots. This should be followed by further deliveries. "This is exactly what Ukraine needs to defend itself against attacks and secure its infrastructure," said Mette Frederiksen.

In March, Rheinmetall CEO Armin Papperger said that Europe should consider creating its own analog of the Iron Dome created by Israel. 


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