
Integration into NATO, air defense supplies and financial support: what Shmygal talked about with the US Deputy Secretary of State

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Key areas of support were discussed in Kyiv by Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and acting undersecretary of state for political affairs John Bass.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal met  with Acting Deputy Secretary of state for political affairs John Bass. They talked about Ukraine's integration into NATO, air defense supplies and financial support, Reports UNN.

The support of the United States is critical for Ukraine. We discussed key areas of assistance with acting undersecretary of state for political affairs John Bass. He thanked the United States for participating in the global peace summit and for supporting the formula for peace. We have taken an important step towards a just peace on the European continent 

Shmygal said.

Also, according to the prime minister, they talked about Ukraine's integration into NATO, the restoration of Ukrainian energy through USAID programs and joint defense production.

"Special attention was focused on the supply of necessary weapons. First of all, air defense. We thank the United States for its decision to provide Ukraine with Patriot air defense missiles as a priority. The financial Block is also important. This year, the United States will allocate Україні 7.8 billion in direct budget support to Ukraine. This will help strengthen the macro - financial stability of our state," Shmygal concluded.

До Києва прибув заступник держсекретаря США Джон Басс21.06.24, 14:07


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