
In Transcarpathia, a snake bit a tourist from Kharkiv, rescuers needed help

 • 12123 переглядiв

Near Mount Plai in the Carpathians, a 24-year-old tourist was bitten by a snake. Rescuers took the victim to the hospital, where he is under the supervision of doctors.

In Transcarpathia, a tourist was bitten by a snake, rescuers took the guy to the hospital. This was reported by the State Emergency Service, writes UNN.


Yesterday in the Carpathian Mountains, near the foot of Mount Plai, a snake bit a 24-year-old tourist near Kharkiv. Friends of the guy called rescuers, who at the specified coordinates got to the scene from the village of Volovets on an ATV. Two hours later, the victim was taken to the Volovets hospital.

Now the man is under the supervision of doctors. His life is no longer in danger.


On the territory of Ukraine during 2023, 208 requests for medical help were registered due to snake venom damage, which is 60 fewer requests than in 2022. 

На Львівщині через укус змії чоловік потрапив до лікарні28.05.24, 12:50


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