
In occupied Crimea, russians agitate students to become kamikaze drone operators

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Agitating for service in the ranks of the occupiers, russians in the occupied Crimea are recruiting students for courses in operating FPV drones.

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, the enemy is campaigning for the russian federation among students of so-called universities. This is reported by the Center of National Resistance, UNN reports.


The occupiers are actively recruiting students for FPV drone courses. The training takes place at a training ground near Sevastopol. Upon completion of the course, participants are offered a contract with the russian Armed Forces.

- The Center for National Resistance emphasizes. 

The Resistance explains that in this way, the russians are once again trying to solve their problems using enslaved peoples and violating international law, which prohibits the recruitment of the population of the occupied areas into the ranks of the occupying army.

The National Resistance Center calls for ignoring the relevant courses and any initiatives of the enemy. 

рф у 2023 році змінила основне джерело набору військовослужбовців для війни в Україні - британська розвідка 31.01.24, 12:42


The head of Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Commissariat Yuriy Malashko warned that russians are planning to hold a mass mobilization in the temporarily occupied territories after the election of President Putin. Even 17-year-old children will be registered for military service.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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