
If you have less than three children, pay up: the Verkhovna Rada proposes to introduce a "childlessness tax"

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The Verkhovna Rada registered a bill that proposes to introduce a tax for Ukrainians with less than three children. UNN reports .


Thus, draft law No. 11264 on amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and other laws of Ukraine to create preconditions for improving the demographic situation in Ukraine was registered by MP Serhiy Hryvko from the Servant of the People party.

It should be noted that the 38-year-old Hryvko himself, according to his declaration, has no wife and children.

The explanatory note states that the purpose of the draft law is to create preconditions for improving the demographic situation in Ukraine, providing comprehensive (financial, social, psychological, legal and other) support to families with children (in the long term, also providing support to young Ukrainian citizens entering adulthood), providing families with children with affordable housing, vehicles, meeting their other socio-economic needs, as well as raising the prestige of motherhood (fatherhood) and stimulating the increase in th

Hryvko suggests that Ukrainians aged 21 to 58 should pay the tax:

  • The rate is 1.5% for individuals without children;
  • The rate is 1% for people with one child;
  • The rate is 0.5% for people with two children;

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They do not pay the demographic fee:

  • persons with three or more children;
  • Persons with infertility or impaired reproductive function that makes motherhood impossible
  • (paternity), with confirmation of the relevant circumstances
  • appropriate medical documents at least once
  • once every 2 years;
  • persons with the status of persons with disabilities of group I;

In addition, it is proposed that the object of taxation by the fee is all income received by the fee payer in cash using non-cash payments, except, in particular, for the following:

  • funds received by individual entrepreneurs and persons engaged in independent 2 professional activities to current bank accounts in the course of entrepreneurial and/or independent professional activities; - funds received by a person from the redemption of 3 domestic government bonds;
  • funds paid to a person as a return of a bank deposit;
  • funds received by a person from the sale of real estate and vehicles owned by him/her;
  • funds received by a person from international public, charitable and other organizations, as well as from representative offices of international organizations in Ukraine as charitable donations and other types of financial assistance;

01.05.23, 14:53 • [views_592553]

In addition, the draft law proposes to increase the state childbirth allowance by one and a half times and introduce other types of assistance, such as child support until the child reaches the age of 6, child benefit for the future, and assistance to women who have been awarded the honorary title of "Mother Heroine.


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