
French Foreign Minister: It is possible to deploy Western troops in Ukraine without crossing the line of hostilities

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The French foreign minister suggests that Western troops could be deployed to Ukraine to provide support, such as demining and weapons production, without taking part in direct combat.

Western countries may send troops to Ukraine without crossing the line of combat,  French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne said, Lemonde reported, UNN reported. 

We have to consider new actions to support Ukraine. They have to meet very specific needs, and I mean, for example, demining, cyber support, weapons production on the ground, on the territory of Ukraine. Some of these activities may require a presence on the territory of Ukraine without crossing the line of hostilities. Nothing should be ruled out

- said the French Foreign Minister.


On February 26, at the end of a conference on Ukraine in Paris, Macron saidthat sending Western troops to Ukraine should not be ruled out.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg saidthat the Alliance has no plans to send combat troops to Ukraine amid reports that some Western countries are considering such a possibility. 

У Мадриді заявили, що проти відправки європейських військ в Україну27.02.24, 17:05


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