
Exchange rate on June 7: the dollar rose slightly

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The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official Hryvnia exchange rate at UAH 40.1537/dollar, devaluing the hryvnia by 3 kopecks.

The National Bank of Ukraine has set the official Hryvnia exchange rate at UAH 40.1537/USD., which devalued the hryvnia by 3 kopecks, reports UNN with reference to the NBU.


The official dollar exchange rate is 40.15 UAH/USD. The NBU also set the official euro-Hryvnia exchange rate at UAH 43.62/euro.

According to the data on the profile sites, as of 9: 10 am:

- A dollar can be bought for 40.70 UAH, and sold for 40.10 in banks.

- Euros can be bought for 44.40 UAH, and sold for 43.58 UAH in banks.

- In exchange offices, the dollar is traded at the rate of 40.60−40.70 UAH, and the euro — at 44.22−44.20 UAH.

- On the interbank market, the exchange rates are 40.13−40.15 UAH/USD, respectively. for the dollar and 44.70-44.71 UAH / euro for the euro.


Ukraine's international reserves decreased by 7.9% over the month and set дол 39 billion at the beginning of June.


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