
Ecuador proposes a constitutional reform that would allow foreign military bases to be deployed in the country

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Ecuadorian President Daniel Noboa has sent a draft partial constitutional reform to the National Assembly. If approved, it will open the door to the establishment of foreign military bases in Ecuador, for the first time since the 2008 Constitution explicitly prohibited it.

Writes UNN with reference to Ansa.

In order to obtain permission to establish foreign military bases in Ecuador, President Daniel Noboa sent a draft of a partial reform of the Constitution to the National Assembly.

The proposal is aimed at amending Article 5 of the country's Constitution, which currently prohibits such infrastructure.

For reference

If this reform is approved, it will open the door to the establishment of foreign military bases for the first time since the 2008 Constitution explicitly banned the presence of foreign troops in Ecuador.

Суд Еквадору притягнув до відповідальності 30 осіб за організовану злочинність08.10.24, 03:18

This measure, intensified during the Rafael Correa government (2007-2017), culminated in the closure of the US base in Manta in 2009.

У Венесуелі нові арешти за підозрою в плані дестабілізації: кількість затриманих сягнула майже 2018.10.24, 11:33


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