
Draft law on new surcharges and benefits for the military registered in the Rada

 • 116310 переглядiв

The draft law proposes additional payments and benefits for Ukrainian servicemen to motivate them to serve for a long time and build a professional army.

The Verkhovna Rada has registered the draft law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Motivation of Military Service" (No. 11012), which provides for additional payments and benefits for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The initiator of the draft law, Secretary of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on National Security, Defense and Intelligence Roman Kostenko, announced this on his Facebook page, UNN reports .


The future of Ukraine today depends on a strong and capable army. We must make sure that experienced and professional soldiers who defend the state want to stay in the ranks of the Defense Forces even after they are eligible for demobilization or the end of their contract. And that conscripts are properly trained for military service

Kostenko noted.

He emphasized that Ukraine needs to transform "from an army of mobilized soldiers to an army of professional, motivated servicemen." To do this, he believes that Ukrainian defenders need an effective and predictable system of additional payments, benefits and guarantees.

The focus is on direct combatants. That is why I am launching a discussion and proposing appropriate amendments to the legislation. I will urge my colleagues to support the draft law No. 11012 in the first reading and to submit their proposals for the second reading

he noted.

Kostenko hopes that representatives of the Cabinet of Ministers and the Presidential Office will join the discussion of the draft law.

Such issues should unite all political forces. My initiative has already been supported by more than 70 MPs from different factions. Therefore, I will urge all representatives of various branches of government to make this issue a priority, work together, and finally pass a law for those who are "at zero and in the plantations

Kostenko emphasized.


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