
Donetsk region: enemy launches missile attacks on Pokrovsk and Kurakhove, hits a car with a drone in Chasovyi Yar

 • 22955 переглядiв

Russian troops launched rocket attacks on several cities in the Donetsk region of Ukraine, damaging civilian infrastructure and killing or injuring several people - over 1800 attacks were recorded over the day.

In Donetsk region, Russian troops launched rocket attacks on Pokrovsk and Kurakhove, dropped a UAV on Zhelanne, hit a civilian car with a drone in Chasovyi Yar. 1833 hostile attacks were recorded in the region, the regional police reported, according to UNN.


"Russian troops struck 26 times at civilians, with a total of 1833 attacks recorded. The police have documented every war crime of the Russian Federation," the regional police said in a statement on social media.

According to the report, 17 settlements were under fire: the towns of Kurakhove, Pokrovsk, Siversk, Chasiv Yar, the villages of Starke, Ocheretyno, Bohoyavlenka, Zhelanne, Katerynivka, Nova Poltavka, Novoselivka Persha, Pereizne, Piskunivka, Rusyn Yar, Sokil, Solovyovo, Stepanivka.

The police said 64 civilian objects were damaged, including 30 residential buildings, three educational institutions, a cultural center, a post office, a bank, administrative buildings, an agricultural enterprise, and critical infrastructure:

▪️ Pokrovsk Russia attacked with four S-300 missiles, causing about 40 destructions, including 15 residential buildings.

▪️ Two civilians died as a result of artillery shelling - in Siversk and Pereyizne.

▪️ The occupiers dropped a KAB-500 guided missile on Zhelanne, injuring a person and damaging two private houses.

▪️ In Chasovyi Yar, Russian terrorists hit a civilian car with a drone. Two residents were injured.

▪️ Another person was wounded as a result of a rocket attack on Kurakhove.

▪️ An air strike on Novoselivka Persha destroyed a private house.

▪️ In Katerynivka, the enemy targeted an agricultural enterprise.

In addition, it was reported that a man was killed in Yampolivka earlier, on February 23, as a result of an enemy rocket hitting his house.

"In just 24 hours, Russians fired 26 times at the settlements of Donetsk region. 173 people, including 26 children, were evacuated from the front line," Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, also noted on social media.

росіяни минулої доби обстріляли населені пункти Донеччини: двоє людей загинули, четверо поранені29.02.24, 09:20


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