
Disinformation Campaign Against New Commander-in-Chief: CPA Warns of Syrskyi's Fake Social Media Pages

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Ukrainian analysts have uncovered a large-scale russian disinformation campaign on social media aimed at discrediting the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi through fake accounts spreading destructive russian messages.

Ukrainian experts have discovered a large-scale disinformation campaign by russia to discredit the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi on social media. This was reported by the Center for Countering Disinformation, UNN reports.


The Center for Research and Investigation, together with the cyber department of the SBU, discovered a large-scale disinformation campaign by Russia to discredit the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Alexander Syrsky. It turned out that the enemy is spreading fake news about the situation at the front and about the Commander-in-Chief for the purpose of informational and psychological influence on military personnel. 

- summed up the Center for Countering Disinformation.

It is noted that russian special services have created fake accounts for Syrsky on Facebook, Instagram, X, and Telegram, where they promote destructive messages of the Russian Federation.

рф намагається навʼязати Сирському образ «радянської та російської» людини - ЦПД РНБО11.02.24, 14:09

The information warfare units of the russian special services have recently become significantly more active both in Ukraine and in NATO member states

- the Center for Countering Disinformation warned.

The CPD noted that the French Ministry of Defense accused russia of deliberately spreading false information about France in the context of the war against Ukraine waged by Moscow.

У Франції розкрили мережу російської пропаганди, що транслювала дезінформацію про війну в Україні на понад 200 інфоресурсів12.02.24, 23:44

In addition, The Washington Post gained access to documents on the Kremlin's organization of disinformation campaigns around the world.

The CPA advises to obtain information exclusively from official sources. In particular, from the official page of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksandr Syrskyi.


At the same time, UNN sources in law enforcement agencies provided a list of fake pages allegedly of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, created by Russian special services.


1. Inactive channel, started on February 11, 2024: https://www.facebook.com/oleksandr.sirs.kij

2. Account for stuffing, created on January 14, 2024: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551640966853


- https://t.me/syrskij – created on July 11, 2023, running since January 26, 2024, duplicates the official channel. 10,888 subscribers.

- https://t.me/oleksandr_syrskyi – created on March 12, 2022, duplicates the official channel, 391 subscribers.

- https://t.me/sirskygdety - "Was Syrsky found?" Russian provocative account created on March 12, 2022 (interestingly, the date coincides with the creation of the previous one). He promoted the idea that no one had seen Syrsky for a long time. In one of the posts there is a photo and a narrative similar to the FB account for stuffing above.

- https://t.me/q183728284848382 - created January 24, 2024, 2 subscribers, the only post contains the word hui

- https://t.me/cheeseofficialua - only 1 post and 1 subscriber, the channel was created on February 14, 2024 to advertise the channel https://t.me/WarNews_UA_tg

- https://t.me/syrokgolovkom - the same as the previous one, but advertising channel https://t.me/taraspovidomlyae


- https://www.instagram.com/oleksandr_syrskyi – fresh unverified account, 3183 subscribers.

- https://www.instagram.com/evil.pumqk1n/ - 191 subscribers, private account.


- https://twitter.com/syrskyi – unverified account, 531 subscribers.

- https://twitter.com/TKulabskij80301 – fresh fake account, 5 subscribers.


The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French government have exposed a coordinated russian disinformation campaignthat spread more than a million false messages through fake accounts on X (Twitter).

The operation aims to undermine support for Ukraine by spreading the narrative that aid to Ukraine neglects local citizens.


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