
Detonation of Russian shells near Balakliya: a large-scale forest fire broke out in Kharkiv region

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A large-scale fire broke out in the Kharkiv region due to the detonation of abandoned Russian ammunition, burning at least 7 hectares of coniferous litter.

A large-scale fire broke out in the Kharkiv region as a result of the detonation of ammunition left behind by Russian troops. At least 7 hectares of coniferous litter are currently on fire. This was stated by the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, reports UNN.


It is noted that the abandoned ammunition was triggered as a result of a forest fire caused by Russian shelling.

The fire broke out in the Vysokobirsk forestry, at least 7 hectares of coniferous litter are burning. Residents of nearby settlements are asked to remain calm. Rescuers are working to eliminate the fire

- RMA said.


Earlier, UNN reported that Balakliya, Kharkiv region heard the sounds of explosions due to a fire and detonation of ammunitionleft by the Russian occupiers in 2022.


On the night of May 24, a balcony in one of Odesa's high-rise buildings caught fire, there is a victim. Law enforcement officers are currently establishing the cause of the fire. 

У Кропивницькому другу добу триває пожежа на міському сміттєзвалищі 27.05.24, 15:18


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