
Despite the shelling deficit in Ukraine, Russia is not gaining any victories at the front - Kuleba

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Despite the fact that Ukraine is constantly short of shells, while Russia has more artillery shells, Russia is not winning victories on the frontline because Ukrainian soldiers are heroically and creatively stopping the Russian offensive with other types of weapons.

Despite the fact that Ukraine is constantly experiencing a shortage of ammunition and that Russia has many more artillery shells, Russia is not gaining any victories at the front. This was stated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba during a joint press conference in Kyiv with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell, UNN reports.

"Although we are constantly experiencing this shell deficit, despite the fact that Russia has much more artillery shells, it is not gaining any victories on the frontline. What does this mean? Where there is no artillery shell, we stop the Russian soldier with other weapons we have," Kuleba said.

He noted that it is thanks to the heroism and creativity of Ukrainian soldiers that Ukraine is able to deter Russia.

"Sometimes a drone, sometimes an assault rifle, sometimes a mortar, but we are always looking for an alternative somewhere. It is thanks to the heroism and creativity of Ukrainian soldiers that we are able to deter Russia, despite the fact that we suffer from a shortage of ammunition," the minister said.

Кулеба закликав ЄС до трьох кроків для нарощування постачання снарядів до України 07.02.24, 16:17


Josep Borrell statedthat the European Union plans to transfer 1 million 145 thousand shells to Ukrainian troops by the end of the year.

Borrell also stated that the European Union's defense industry continues to grow and develop. Its capacity has increased by 40%.


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