
DeepState: Russia's advance on the frontline near Sokol, in Novopokrovske and its surroundings

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The enemy advanced in the area near Sokol, in Novopokrovske, according to DeepState.

On the frontline, the terrorist country advanced near Sokol, in Novopokrovsky and its surroundings. This is reported by DeepState, according to UNN.

The enemy advanced near Sokol, in Novopokrovske and its surroundings

- DeepState.


According to the General Staff, in the Pokrovsk sector, the enemy's greatest activity was observed in the area of Novooleksandrivka. In addition, the situation remains tense near Novooleksandrivka and Sokol, where 12 firefights were registered.

Генштаб: на фронті відбулося 90 боєзіткнень. На Покровському ситуація надалі залишається найгарячішою11.06.24, 23:34

Julia Kotvitskaya



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