
Death of the US Embassy Attaché in Kyiv: preliminary cause - cardiac arrest

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The body of the deceased US Embassy Attaché was found in a Kyiv hotel; according to preliminary information, his death was probably due to cardiac arrest.

According to preliminary information, the cause of death of the United States Embassy attaché could have been a cardiac arrest. This was reported to the journalist of UNN by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mariana Reva.

According to preliminary information, he died as a result of cardiac arrest. It is known that he suffered from a disease associated with heart failure. Accordingly, after the examination, a diagnosis will be made for sure. But the forensic expert examined him and found no signs of violent death 

- Reva said.


According to the Interior Ministry spokeswoman, the man was found dead by the Embassy Security Service - he was locked inside a hotel room.

"He didn't come to work in the morning, so we came to check on him. He is a relatively recent arrival. At the beginning of the month, he just came to Kyiv for a mission. They say he really complained about his health," Reva summarized .


The body of the deceased attaché of the United States Embassy was found in the Hilton Hotel in Kyiv. 


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