
Customs officers save a sperm whale tooth of scientific and museum value from illegal export

 • 6528 переглядiв

Kyiv customs officers found a sperm whale tooth in a parcel that was designed as an amateur souvenir - with a picture of a warship in Sevastopol Bay to conceal it. This artifact is protected by the Washington CITES Convention.

Writes UNN with a link to the page of the State Customs Service of Ukraine on the social network.

Specialists of the Kyiv Customs Service found a tooth in a postal shipment heading from Kyiv to the United States.  This tooth has a certain scientific, museum and educational value. The CITES Convention recommends that it be included in the Museum Fund of Ukraine.

According to the agency, the sperm whale tooth in question was brought to Ukraine during the period of active operation of the Odesa whaling flotilla.

In the parcel, the object was decorated as an amateur souvenir: a picture of a warship in the Sevastopol Bay was applied to the polished surface.


To export any animal or plant, whether alive or dead, and any easily recognizable part or derivative thereof, you must first obtain permits. This is in line with the CITES Convention.

At the time of the customs control, such documents were not submitted to the customs and were not present in the international mail, reports the TG channel of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.


A 69-year-old Ukrainian tried to illegally export two 18th- and 19th-century violins using forged documents. Customs officers detected the violation at the Malyi Berezny post, and the instruments were seized for examination.


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