
Consequences of the russian attack on the oil depot: contamination of drinking water in one of Kharkiv's districts

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After the russian attack on the oil depot in Kharkiv, oil products were found in the city's drinking water pumps. Experts continue to check the sources of centralized and non-centralized water supply.

After a russian attack on an oil depot in one of Kharkiv's districts, oil products were found in one of the city's drinking water columns. This is reported by the press service of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Kharkiv region, UNN reports.


According to the results of laboratory tests of drinking water from water dispensers at 21/31 Kotelnyi Lane and 29/20 Yaseneva Street, conducted by Kharkivvodokanal on February 26, the presence of oil products in drinking water was found. Water supply from the water dispensers at these addresses has been suspended due to the measures taken to eliminate the presence of oil products

- the department said. 

The administration of the Nemyshlyansky district was recommended to organize the delivery of drinking water of guaranteed quality to the population at the specified addresses. 

Мер Харкова наказав перевірити всі нафтобази та небезпечні об'єкти після атаки росіян 9 лютого12.02.24, 18:20

In addition, the authorities are asked to ensure the installation of information tables on the prohibition of water consumption on the territory of the Petrenky-1, Petrenky-2, Petrenky-3 springs and the underground spring opposite the house No. 7 on Novoproektna Street.


It is noted that experts continue to inspect centralized and non-centralized water supply facilities located in the area of potential impact of surface water pollution.

The inspections will take place in Kyivskyi and Saltivskyi districts of Kharkiv and Bezlyudivska and Vysochenska territorial communities.

The State Consumer Service noted that along the Kharkiv, Lopan, and Udy rivers, there is pollution of the banks with fuel and lubricants, and in some places there is a smell of oil products. The surface of the river water is polluted and has the appearance of an oily film.


On the evening of February 9 , Russian troops attacked Kharkiv with Shaheds, hitting an oil depot in the Nemyshlyansky district. As a result of the strike, fuel spilled and a fire broke out, spreading to a private building on Kotelna Street. 15 houses burned down, and seven people died.

Гасили майже 60 годин: у Харківській ОВА розповіли деталі пожежі на нафтобазі через російський обстріл12.02.24, 14:54


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