
Biden calls Putin a "crazy son of a bitch" and criticizes Trump over Navalny

 • 22350 переглядiв

US President Joe Biden has called Russian President Vladimir Putin a "crazy son of a bitch" and criticized Donald Trump for his reaction to the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

During a fundraising event in San Francisco on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden called Russian President Vladimir Putin "a crazy son of a bitch" and criticized Donald Trump for his reaction to Navalny's death. This is reported by CNN, UNN writes.

We have a crazy son of a bitch, this man, Putin, others. And we always have to worry about nuclear conflict. But the existential threat to humanity is the climate,

- Biden said.


Biden also criticized comments made by former President Donald Trump, who compared his legal problems to the death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny. The president paraphrased his predecessor's comments and then told the audience that "if I had stood here 10-15 years ago and said all this, you would all have thought I should be in jail.

It is noted that, unlike Biden and other Western leaders, Trump, the Republican frontrunner in the 2024 presidential election, has not yet condemned Russia or Putin for Navalny's death.


US President Biden holds Russian President Putin responsible for the death of opposition leader Alexei Navalny in a Russian colony.


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