
Anniversary of the bombing of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station by the Russian Federation: Zelensky stated the need for "significant work" to bring the enemy to justice

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A year ago, on June 6, 2023,  the Russian military committed a deliberate and calculated crime by blowing up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station dam in the Kherson region.  during the year, we managed to eliminate some of the consequences of the Russian strike.  however, a significant job will be to bring the Russian Federation  to justice for this and other crimes of war. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky, reports UNN

A year ago, Russian invaders blew up the dam and buildings of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station. It was a deliberate and calculated crime-one of their greatest crimes against nature and the people of our entire region. Even the exact number of dead is now impossible to find out, because the occupied part of the Kherson region suffered a large-scale blow

- Zelensky said.

He said that  in general, at least tens of thousands of people were affected, hundreds of thousands were left without drinking water. Significant territories of Ukraine were flooded and the Kakhovsky reservoir was destroyed, which ensured, in particular, the stability of the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant – the largest in Europe. According to the president, the immediate consequences of this crime were felt even in the neighboring countries of our Black Sea region. 

During the year, our state and our people managed to eliminate some of the consequences of such a Russian strike. I am grateful to everyone who saved people, helped provide housing, and restored the supply of drinking water. This is a significant job. And no less significant work will be to bring Russia to fair responsibility for this and other crimes of war – deliberate Russian strikes on people and humanity, on all living things

- indicated by the head of state.


On June 6, 2023, at about 3:00, the Russian military blew up the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station dam in the Kherson region. Documentation of the consequences of this war crime against people and the environment continues to this day. 

Director of the Kiev Research Institute of forensic examinations Alexander Ruvin in an exclusive comment UNN said that a comprehensive forensic examination was appointed to KNIISE after studying the consequences of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya HPP dam. First of all, experts decided on the causes and mechanism of the explosion. This part of the study is in full, and the relevant conclusions have been passed on to law enforcement agencies. The second part, the engineering and environmental part, is much more extensive in the context of research objects, and work on it continues. According to the director of KNIISE, almost 30 institutions and organizations of participants, relevant ministries and departments were involved in its implementation. 

He added that law enforcement agencies have collected huge amounts of information on the fact of the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station dam, which is currently being processed by all involved participants of the expert commission. In addition, a certain classification of the areas of work and areas of responsibility of the participants involved in the work has been developed.


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