
An explosion occurred in occupied Melitopol during a competition in a sports complex - OVA

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An explosion occurred in a sports complex in occupied Melitopol during a children's sports event, the occupiers evacuated the children and claimed it was an emergency.

In the temporarily occupied Melitopol, a powerful explosion occurred today during a sports competition in a sports complex, the occupiers announced an urgent evacuation of children from the building, said on Saturday the head of the Zaporizhzhia Regional Military Administration Ivan Fedorov, UNN reports.

The occupiers are not only continuously carrying out air strikes on the territory controlled by Ukraine, they are also creating "emergencies" in the TOT themselves. Residents report that today, during a sports competition in Melitopol's sports complex No. 3, a powerful explosion was heard, which was soon followed by the urgent evacuation of children from the building.

- Fedorov wrote on Telegram.

According to him, "ambulances and 'police' arrived at the scene.

"The building is, of course, surrounded, the window glass has been blown out. The occupiers use any methods, even cynical ones. Today they targeted children...", - said Fedorov.

"I urge Melitopol residents and all residents of the TOT to be extremely careful! The enemy is insidious!" he emphasized.

В окупованому Мелітополі російські загарбники планують створити перший "Центр юнармійської підготовки"07.02.24, 17:56


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