
According to the White House, Russia is developing new anti-satellite weapons

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The White House confirmed that Russia is developing anti-satellite weapons, but said they have not yet been put into service and cannot cause direct physical destruction.

On Thursday, the White House publicly confirmed that Russia is developing a military capability to be used against satellites in space. While the weapon is not yet operational and cannot cause direct physical destruction on Earth, the development, according to White House spokesman John Kirby, is "alarming." This was reported by UNN with reference to abc news


After a senior Republican in the House of Representatives issued vague warnings of a "grave threat to national security," White House spokesman John Kirby publicly confirmed that Russia had acquired "disturbing" new anti-satellite weapons, but said they could not directly cause "physical destruction" on Earth.

First, this is not an active capability that has been deployed, and while Russia's pursuit of this particular capability is worrisome, there is no immediate threat to anyone's security

- Kirby said.

We are not talking about weapons that can be used to attack people or cause physical destruction here on Earth

- He added.


The administration of US President Joe Biden warns Russian President Vladimir Putin against interfering in the US elections, including through personal statements. 

США припинили діяльність хакерської мережі, контрольованої ГРУ16.02.24, 05:09


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