
About 60% of entrepreneurs have a problem finding qualified employees - Ministry of Economy

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According to a survey by the Ministry of economy, 58% of enterprises in Ukraine face problems finding qualified personnel, which indicates a lack of qualified employees in the labor market.

According to a survey conducted by the Ministry of Economy in February-March 2024, about 60% of entrepreneurs have problems finding qualified personnel. This is reported by UNN with reference to the results of the survey.


It is noted that 3,175 respondents from all regions of Ukraine took part in the survey. The respondents were representatives of the following industries: 

  • agriculture; 
  • wholesale and retail trade; 
  • Services; 
  • processing industry; 
  • education; 
  • health care. 

Our survey involved 88% of enterprises with more than 200 employees , i.e. our sample is a cross-section of opinions, mainly small and medium-sized businesses

- stated in the Ministry of Economy. 

According to the survey, 58% of businesses called the search for qualified employees a problem, 42% – the necessary external financing, 40% – business Security, 25% – competition and 24% – supply chains.

Бракує працівників: через мобілізацію у столичній підземці збільшать інтервали руху поїздів30.05.24, 13:57

Also, employers who hire employees indicate a shortage of personnel. 

So, approximately 41% of respondents said that the size of their team remained at the same level after the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine. 5% said the team size increased by less than 20%, while only 3% Increased.

Despite a significant reduction in jobs and an increase in unemployment during 2022-2023, employers who hire employees already point to a deficit in 2024 

- they say in the Ministry of Economy. 

Also, 43% of respondents faced difficulties in filling vacancies in 2024, and 36% expect the situation with a shortage of qualified personnel in the labor market to worsen after the end of the war.

However, the Ministry of Economy emphasizes that 68% of respondents plan to maintain the current size of their business in the next two years. 

У Києві є дефіцит водіїв громадського транспорту, під загрозою і приватні транспортні підприємства 21.05.24, 12:10


Analysts Bloomberg noted that the mobilization that Ukraine needs to resist in the war against the Russian Federation undermines the productivity of enterprises in the rear. More and more entrepreneurs are facing a labor shortage in the labor market.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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