
About 190 thousand women updated data through " Reserve+": how many citizens are booked

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About 190 thousand women updated their credentials through the Reserve+ app. Also, among those who updated the data, 164 thousand are booked.

About 190 thousand women updated their credentials through the Reserve+ app. Also, among those who updated the data, 164 thousand are booked, more than 153 thousand are conscripts and more than 90 thousand have a delay. This was announced by the speaker of the Ministry of Defense Dmitry Lazutkin on the air of the telethon, the correspondent of UNN reports.

Now 1 million 371 thousand Ukrainians who are liable for military service, conscripts and reservists have been updated through the "Reserve+". Among people living abroad, more than 18 thousand have updated their data. If we talk about women, this is about 190 thousand.,

Lazutkin said.


According to him, among those who updated the data, 164 thousand are booked, more than 153 thousand are conscripts, more than 90 thousand have a delay.

When asked Which of the Ukrainians who are abroad need to return to Ukraine in order to personally come to the shopping center, Lazutkin replied: "First of all, those who downloaded the Reserve+ app, but there the status of Wanted appeared and if the person violated the rules of military registration. That is, for example, I was removed from the register in one place, did not become in another, or did not become at all, left before I was 17 years old, and now the time has come, and so on. There are a number of reasons, but first you need to contact the shopping center and the joint venture.

He noted that young men who are 17 years old should register for military service. This requirement also applies to those who are abroad. You need to register with the shopping center and joint venture.

Persons liable for military service may receive calls at work - Ministry of Defense5/20/24, 7:03 AM


Ukrainians who were removed from the military register due to traveling abroad for a period of more than 3 months are required to personally arrive at the shopping center before June 16 for registration.


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