
A sniper and a repeat offender from Russia's Storm-Z: traitors who fought on the side of Russia against Ukraine received real sentences

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Three traitors who fought on the side of Russia on the eastern front, including a sniper and a repeat offender from the Russian Sturm-Z battalion, were sentenced to 15 years in prison for high treason and participation in terrorist activities.

Three more traitors who fought against the Defense Forces on the eastern front - including a sniper and a repeat offender from the Russian Storm-Z - have received real prison terms, UNN reports with reference to the SBU.


According to the SBU, Ukrainian soldiers captured two attackers during the so-called "meat" assaults conducted by the racists to take over the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Avdiivka and Bakhmut.

Another traitor was detained during fierce fighting in the Volnovakha area.

Based on the SBU military counterintelligence materials, the court sentenced the aggressor's accomplices to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property.

Among the convicts is a native of the temporarily occupied Kalmiuske, Donetsk region. After the full-scale invasion of Russia, the man voluntarily "mobilized" to the occupiers' ranks as a rifleman.

Later, the attacker was assigned as a sniper in the 114th motorized rifle brigade of the Yenakiyevo-Danube Brigade of the Southern Military District of the Russian Armed Forces.

In October 2023, the militant was fulfilling the Russian command's task of capturing Avdiivka. Then he stormed the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Krasnohorivka, where he was captured by Ukrainian defenders.

Also, a resident of the temporarily occupied territory of Luhansk region, who voluntarily joined the Russian army in July 2022, was convicted.

After undergoing training at the Khrustalnyi training ground, he was appointed a rifleman and sent to guard enemy ammunition depots near Soledar.

Subsequently, the attacker was redeployed to reinforce the Russian occupation groups in the Bakhmut direction.

In addition, a Crimean resident who signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense and joined the Storm-Z assault battalion was sentenced to prison.

The traitor made this decision while serving a sentence in a colony in Volgograd for drug trafficking.

In October 2023, he was "sent" to the Volnovakha district to take part in hostilities against the Defense Forces.


Based on the evidence collected, the court found all three offenders guilty under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine:

▪️ chs. 1, 2 of Article 111 (high treason);

▪️ Part 1, Article 258-3 (participation in a terrorist group or terrorist organization).


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