
A Frenchman mysteriously died trying to get to the Baikonur Cosmodrome

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A French citizen died after losing consciousness while trying to get to the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan to watch the rocket launch.

Two French citizens were trying to get to the Russian spaceport in Kazakhstan to watch the rocket launch. One of the two died, rossmi reported what exactly could have caused the death, reports UNN.


A French citizen died in Kazakhstan after losing consciousness while trying to reach the Baikonur Cosmodrome with another Frenchman. 

- inform the media

Two Frenchmen, aged 25 and 27, flew from Paris to Almaty in Kazakhstan to watch the launch of the space shuttle. They crossed the desert at temperatures above 32°C.

We left the highway and headed for the high-rise buildings of the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Subsequently, one of the two became ill. His compatriot returned and tried to stop several cars to ask for help, but was unable to do anything. Thus, he was unable to save his companion. It is indicated that the maximum temperature in the region these days is about 33 degrees Celsius. 

- it is stated in the materials of rossmi.


The Baikonur Cosmodrome was built in 1956. Its territory is located in Kazakhstan, on a vast territory of the steppe - this place allowed  the Soviet Union to launch its first satellites into space, as well as the first man into space.  now the cosmodrome is leased by Russia.

Previously, Baikonur was often visited by Western tourists, but after the invasion of Ukraine, it is open only to Russian citizens. Despite this restriction, foreigners regularly try to enter the territory illegally. In 2022, a Briton and a Belarusian citizen were arrested near the launch pad. In September 2023, three Spaniards were also arrested at the spaceport.


UNN reported that the Russian Federation has begun the second stage of nuclear exercises with the participation of Russia and Belarus, dedicated to joint preparation for the possible combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.


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