
"15 countries are ready to join": Czech Prime Minister announces support for plan to buy ammunition for Ukraine outside Europe

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European countries support the Czech initiative to purchase EU ammunition outside Europe to further support Ukraine.

A number of European countries support the Czech initiative for the European Union to purchase ammunition outside Europe to further support Ukraine's military efforts, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said after the Ukraine summit in Paris, UNN reports citing Le Monde.


"The Czech initiative has a lot of support from a number of countries," Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala said after the meeting in Paris.

"This is a very strong signal sent to Russia," the Czech leader said.

He assured that "fifteen countries are ready to join this initiative, which is designed to respond to the shortage of ammunition, in particular artillery shells, for Ukraine.

Захід планує залучити треті країни для постачання боєприпасів Україні – Макрон27.02.24, 05:44


The summit on Ukraine at the Elysee Palace was attended by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Polish President Andrzej Duda, and leaders of about 20 EU countries.


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