
11 children from TOT and Russia will return to Ukraine with the help of Qatar

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Qatar announces the return of 11 Ukrainian children from the temporarily occupied territories and Russia to reunite with their families in Ukraine.

Eleven Ukrainian children who were in the temporarily occupied territories will be reunited with their families today as part of an agreement brokered by Qatar.  This was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sky News writes, UNN reports


Reportedly, these are children aged two to 16, some of whom have medical conditions. 

They will return to Ukraine: 

  • two-year-old twins, whose parents placed them in an orphanage on the territory controlled by Russia  due to financial difficulties;
  • five- and six-year-old children who were evacuated to a special institution in Crimea at the beginning of the war;
  • a five-year-old child who lived with her grandparents in the territory controlled by Russia. She will be reunited with her mother in Ukraine;
  • A 15-year-old girl who lived with her mother in Zaporizhzhia until she died last year; 
  • A four-year-old child living with her father in Russia recently suffered a stroke and was hospitalized. Now she will be reunited with her mother, who lives in Ukraine;
  • Two children aged 13 and 10 who lived with their mother in Donetsk before her death. Their uncle is waiting for them in Ukraine; 
  • A 14-year-old teenager will be returned to his mother, who was recently released from captivity; 
  • A 16-year-old teenager will be reunited with his aunt, whose family was killed during an attempt to evacuate Luhansk. 

As noted, this is the third return of Ukrainian children with the mediation of Qatar. The children and their current guardians will first go to Moscow, then to Belarus  and then to Kyiv.


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