
Zelenskyy: Ukraine has already started preparing next steps after the Peace Summit

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Zelenskyy thanked the Ecumenical Patriarch for signing the Peace Summit communiqué and said that Ukraine had already begun preparing the next steps by involving more participants in the work on the points of the Peace Formula.

Ukraine has already begun preparing the next steps after the Peace Summit, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in his evening address on June 18. He added that he had held a meeting with diplomats today to assign regional responsibilities, "in order to involve even more participants in working together on the points of the Peace Formula," UNN reports .


Just like the first Peace Summit held in Switzerland, the groups should be as inclusive as possible, so that different countries and leaders can express themselves. And, of course, we continue to work to support the communiqué of the first Summit

Zelensky said.


Zelenskyy also commented on the Ecumenical Patriarch's joining the final statement following the summit:

I am grateful to His All-Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew for joining the communiqué and for his continued support of our peacemaking efforts. There will be other such news - other new signatories to the communiqué. The team is working on it.

Zelensky wrote


The day before, the Ecumenical Patriarchate signed the communiqué of the participants of the Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew did not comment on the signature, but he did speak at the Peace Summit. In his address, he expressed support for "a just and sustainable peace in sovereign Ukraine.

Зеленський подякував Вселенському Патріархату за приєднання до комюніке Саміту миру18.06.24, 11:19


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