
Zelenskyy thanked Serbian President Vucic for sheltering Ukrainians and supporting the Peace Formula

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Zelenskyy thanked Serbian President Vucic for providing asylum to Ukrainians fleeing the war and supporting the Ukrainian peace formula.

In the framework of the Ukraine-Southeast Europe Summit in Tirana, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic. This was reported by the official website of the Ukrainian President, UNN reports.

The President expressed gratitude for the humanitarian and financial assistance, as well as for providing shelter to Ukrainian citizens who fled to Serbia because of Russian aggression.

- the report says


It is noted that the Ukrainian head of state also expressed gratitude to the Serbs for their support of Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and noted the importance of Serbia's participation in the implementation of the Ukrainian peace formula.

The Heads of State coordinated further contacts to ensure that as many countries as possible support the Ukrainian peace formula.

Зеленський зустрівся з прем'єр-міністром Хорватії: про що говорили28.02.24, 19:47

Zelenskyy briefed Vucic on the current situation on the Ukrainian front. The parties also discussed security and political challenges in the Eastern European region.

"Проблема Придністров'я не нова. Це створює ризик російської провокації" – Туск28.02.24, 19:06


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