
Zelenskyy: I am confident that every peace-loving state in the world is interested in attending the Peace Summit

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Zelenskyy expressed confidence that every peace-loving country is interested in participating in the first Peace Summit on June 15-16 in Switzerland to discuss ways to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed confidence that every peace-loving state in the world is interested in attending the Peace Summit to be held on June 15-16 in Switzerland, UNN reports.


"As previously agreed with Swiss President Viola Amgerd, the first Peace Summit will take place on June 15-16 in Burgenstock, near Lucerne, Switzerland. [Heads of state and government from all continents are expected to attend," Zelensky wrote in X.

According to the President, the summit will become a platform for discussing "ways to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace for Ukraine in accordance with the UN Charter and international law." "All the states invited to the summit have demonstrated their commitment to these principles," he noted.

Сі Цзіньпін: Китай підтримує мирну конференцію, але визнану як Україною, так і росією 16.04.24, 12:17

I am confident that every peace-loving country in the world is interested in attending the Summit, because its significance goes far beyond Ukraine. It is about the global role of each nation, as well as sincere respect for international law and peaceful coexistence around the world

- Zelensky said.

These common rules enshrined in the UN Charter, the Head of State noted, protect all countries from attacks and violence.

"Thus, it is our shared global responsibility to protect them with real actions, not just words. This is what the first Peace Summit in Switzerland is about," Zelensky summarized.

рф хоче зірвати саміт миру й має конкретний план: Зеленський озвучив інформацію від розвідки24.04.24, 18:37


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