
Zelenskyy and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau discuss countering Russian disinformation

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy discussed with Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau efforts to counter Russian propaganda and establish peace in Ukraine. This was reported by the press service of the Canadian leader, UNN reports.


Trudeau once again condemned Russia's ongoing aggressive war against Ukraine, including its attacks on civilians and energy infrastructure.

The Prime Minister reaffirmed Canada's commitment to continue to provide military, financial, humanitarian and other assistance to Ukraine in its struggle to preserve its sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence.

The two leaders discussed countering Russian disinformation and misinformation, as well as President Zelenskyy's diplomatic efforts for peace, including through the Ukraine Peace Formula,

- the statement said.

The leaders committed to continue to build on the success of the recent Ukraine Peace Summit, and the Prime Minister emphasized Canada's continued contribution to these efforts. This includes Canada's co-leadership with Ukraine of the International Coalition for the Return of Ukrainian Children and the meeting of foreign ministers on the human dimension of Russia's war against Ukraine that Canada will host in October.

Prime Minister Trudeau and President Zelenskyy reaffirmed their intention to maintain close and regular contact.

Економічна співпраця, відбудова, безпека судноплавства: Зеленський зустрівся з президентом Туреччини 25.09.24, 04:40


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