
Work on the text of the resolution on the results of the Peace Summit is completed - Kuleba

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The work on the text of the resolution on the results of the Peace Summit has been completed, and it will be open for other countries to join even after the summit.

As of now, the work on the text of the resolution on the results of the Peace Summit has been completed. It will be open for other countries to join even after the summit.

This was stated during a briefing by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, UNN reports .


As of now, the text has been finalized. At the end of the summit, the presidents announced their approval of the resolution. It will be open for other countries to join even after the summit, so we already know that several countries are analyzing the joint communiqué internally and plan to join it, even though they are not at the summit now. The text is balanced, and all our principled positions, which Ukraine insisted on, have been taken into account

- Kuleba said.


Reuters has published a draft declaration following the Peace Summit in Switzerland, which includes clauses on the return of Zaporizhzhia NPP to Ukrainian control, restoration of safe access to Ukrainian seaports, and exchange of prisoners of war. 


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