
White House on NATO summit: Allies will announce their intention to provide 40 billion euros to Ukraine over 2025

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At the NATO summit, Allies will announce their intention to provide Ukraine with €40 billion in funding over the next year, as well as measures aimed at strengthening Ukraine's defense capabilities and bringing it closer to NATO membership.

During the NATO summit, the Allies will announce their intention to provide a minimum basic funding of 40 billion euros to Ukraine over the next year. This was reported by UNN with reference to the White House.

The Washington summit will strengthen NATO's relationship with Ukraine as Allies gather for the second meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council at the Leaders' level. Ukrainian President Zelenskyy will meet with Allied leaders to discuss the Alliance's continued support for Ukraine in its ongoing struggle to defend its freedom, sovereignty and territorial integrity from Russian aggression

- the statement said.

Allies are reportedly announcing significant new support measures for Ukraine that will bring Ukraine closer to NATO while laying the groundwork for strengthening Ukraine's ability to defend itself against Russian aggression now and in the future.

"Allies will also take tangible steps at the Summit to strengthen NATO's role in building a resilient Ukrainian force with credible defense and deterrence capabilities, and support ongoing reforms that will further align Ukraine with NATO standards and values," the White House said.

At the Summit, NATO Allies will also announce new steps to strengthen military, political and financial support for Ukraine. These elements, together with bilateral support for Ukraine by Allies, form a bridge to Ukraine's future NATO membership.

Столтенберг про 40 млрд щорічної підтримки України від НАТО: забезпечить більшу передбачуваність05.07.24, 21:10

Support for Ukraine:

  • Financial support - Allies will announce their commitment to provide a minimum core funding of €40 billion over the next year, as well as a sustained level of security assistance to help Ukraine win. The United States is proud to support this effort. Our contributions to Ukraine for this pledge will come from funds already appropriated by Congress in the National Security Appropriations Supplement that President Biden signed in April.
  • NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU) - NSATU will coordinate equipment, training and force development activities to support Ukraine on its path to full interoperability with NATO. A three-star general based in Germany will lead the effort, which will be conducted across Allied nations. Through its work, the NDATU will help Ukraine defend itself against Russian aggression today and deter aggression in the future.
  • NATO Senior Representative in Kyiv. To further deepen Ukraine's institutional relationship with NATO, the Secretary General has decided to appoint a senior civilian representative in Kyiv to serve as a focal point for NATO's engagement with Ukrainian officials.

У Конгресі США очікують, що на саміті НАТО Україна отримає дозвіл бити по всій території рф09.07.24, 20:34


Reuters, citing a Western European diplomat, reported that NATO allies have agreed to provide 40 billion euros in annual military aid to Ukraine.


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