
What the weather will be like in the last month of winter: forecast from the Ukrainian Weather Center

 • 31429 переглядiв

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, in February, the average monthly temperature throughout Ukraine is expected to range from 4° Celsius to 2° Celsius, which is 1-1.5°C above normal in the southern/eastern regions and Crimea and close to normal in the rest of the country.

According to weather forecasters, in February the average monthly temperature will range from 4° Celsius to 2° Celsius. Monthly precipitation is expected to reach  29-67 mm. This was reported by UNN with reference to Ukrhydrometcenter

The average monthly temperature is expected to range from 4° Celsius to 2° Celsius, which is 1-1.5° above normal in the southern, eastern, Kirovohrad, Dnipro regions and Crimea, and close to normal in the rest of Ukraine

- the statement said.

According to weather forecasters, the monthly rainfall is expected to be 29-67 mm, with 74-83 mm in the Carpathians, which is within the normal range, according to the Ukrainian Weather Center and

Brief climatic characteristics of February

According to weather forecasters, the average monthly temperature in February is 0-5° Celsius, with 6° Celsius in the highlands of the Carpathians and 1-4° Celsius in the south of Odesa region, Crimea and Transcarpathia.

The absolute minimum air temperature will be 24-39° below zero, with 15-23° below zero in the south of Odesa and Crimea. The absolute maximum air temperature will be 12-20° Celsius, in the southwestern and southern regions and in Crimea, in some places 21-24° Celsius, and in the highlands of the Carpathians 9-11° Celsius.

The average monthly precipitation is 22-49 mm, in mountainous areas 53-89 mm, in the highlands of the Carpathians up to 108 mm. 

Японський місячний зонд SLIM запрацював, повернувши живлення29.01.24, 10:40


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