
"We take it very seriously": the European Commission commented on Russia's possible use of North Korean missiles against Ukraine

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European Commission comments on Russia's possible use of North Korean missiles against Ukraine

The European Commission has commented on reports that Russia may have used ballistic missiles obtained from North Korea in recent attacks on Ukraine, saying it takes them very seriously. This was stated by the European Commission's spokesperson for foreign affairs Peter Stano during a briefing on Monday in Brussels, UNN reports.


Stano pointed out that "the EU has repeatedly made it clear to international partners that whoever helps Russia in its illegal aggression against Ukraine, i.e. violates the UN Charter and international law, will face the consequences.

So we certainly condemn any foreign arms transfers to Russia that are then used to kill Ukrainian civilians or attack Ukrainian civilian infrastructure... Potential arms transfers from North Korea to Russia could also constitute a violation of UN Security Council resolutions and UN sanctions, so of course we take that very seriously

- Stano said.

According to him, the EU representatives are also discussing this issue with international partners, including among themselves in the European Union. "And this is something we strongly condemn and call on everyone not to support Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine," he emphasized.

"It also underscores the need to continue to support Ukraine so that it can defend itself against this brutal aggression. And in the past, the EU has shown in the case of Iran regarding the supply of drones that we take action when we see enough evidence by imposing sanctions," Stano said.


US National Security Council Coordinator John Kirby reported that Russia had used North Korean ballistic missiles against Ukraine . According to him, the launches took place on December 30 and January 2.  

У Китаї заявили, що не знають про передачу КНДР балістичних ракет росії06.01.24, 13:25

Julia Shramko



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