
Vandalism on the graves of fallen Ukrainian soldiers: the detainee will be assigned a forensic psychiatric examination

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A 60-year-old woman suspected of damaging the graves of Ukrainian soldiers in Kiev will undergo a forensic psychiatric examination to determine whether she is sane, and she faces up to 7 years in prison if found guilty.

A 60-year-old woman suspected of damaging the graves of Ukrainian soldiers will be assigned a forensic psychiatric examination.  if the attacker is found sane, she faces up to seven years in prison. This was announced by the deputy head of the Communications Department of the Kiev police Anna Strashok on the air of the telethon, reports UNN.


The woman does not explain the motives of her action in any way. Therefore, as part of the criminal proceedings initiated, a forensic psychiatric examination will be appointed to determine whether she is sane, whether she was aware of her actions

Anna Strashok told me.

She noted that based on the results of this examination, it will be decided whether to send the indictment to the court or take medical measures.

According to the anniversary, if the expert examination finds the woman Sane, according to the current legislation, she faces up to 7 years in prison.

The police representative clarified that criminal proceedings against the woman were initiated under Part 2 of Article 297 of the Criminal Code (abuse of the grave). Taking into account the circumstances of the crime, it is planned to re-qualify for Part 3 of Article 297 (abuse of a grave from hooligan motives).

The malefactor is in the premises of the Pechersk Police Department, where priority investigative actions are taking place. In the near future, she will be informed of the suspicion.


Employees of the Pechersk Police Department using surveillance cameras were able to establish that a 60-year-old native of the Vinnytsia region, who has been living in Kiev for a long time, was involved in the act of vandalism on the graves of Ukrainian soldiers Dmytro Kotsyubailo, Andriy Pilshchikov and Pavlo Petrichenko.

On June 20, in the morning, on the territory of Askold's grave in Kiev, an unknown woman committed an act of vandalism on the graves of the fallen defenders of Ukraine – Dmitry Kotsyubailo with the call sign da Vinci, Andrey Pilshchikov with the call sign juice, and Pavel Petrichenko.

Наруга над могилами загиблих воїнів "Да Вінчі", "Джуса" та Петриченка: підозрювану жінку затримали20.06.24, 14:22


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