
Ukrzaliznytsia completes repairs of shelled tracks in Kherson, train traffic resumes

 • 25497 переглядiв

Railroad workers have completed repairs to the shelling-damaged track at Kherson station, and trains to and from Kherson are now running as scheduled.

In Kherson, the repair of the track damaged by shelling has been completed. This was reported by Ukrzaliznytsia, UNN reports.


It is reported that the railroad workers have completed the repair of the track damaged by shelling at Kherson station.

Tomorrow's flights are on schedule

- the statement said.


As a result of the night attack in Kherson, power supply was disrupted and railroad tracks were damaged - the movement of the train 121/122 Kyiv-Kherson-Kyiv was restricted to Mykolaiv. Bus transportation was organized for passengers traveling to Kherson and back.

На Херсонщині вночі збито два "шахеди", на півдні за добу знищили 4 російські дрони-розвідники08.05.24, 12:14


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