
Ukraine will become a state party to the ICC on January 1, 2025

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Starting in 2025, Ukraine will become the 125th state party to the ICC, UNN reports with reference to the Office of the President.


According to the OP, in New York, Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Iryna Mudra and Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN Serhiy Kyslytsia officially deposited the instrument of ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.

Литва передала до МКС документи для відкриття справи проти лукашенка: деталі30.09.24, 19:52

This means that from January 1, 2025, Ukraine will become the 125th state party to the ICC.

This is a landmark event for Ukraine. We have completed the long process of ratification of this important instrument and are finally fully participating in the work of the world's key criminal justice body 

- Iryna Mudra noted.


Ukraine signed the Rome Statute back in 2000. This year, the Verkhovna Rada voted for its ratification on August 21, and on Independence Day, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the relevant law.

Переслідування путіна: як МКС доповнює зусилля України у притягненні до відповідальності за воєнні злочини13.09.24, 19:57


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