
UAE will continue to help with exchanges of Ukrainian defenders

 • 21609 переглядiв

The UAE will continue to make efforts to mediate the exchange of prisoners between Russia and Ukraine.

With the mediation of the United Arab Emirates, three exchanges of prisoners of war between Russia and Ukraine have already taken place this year. The UAE will continue to make efforts to find a peaceful settlement and mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the war. This is reported by WAM with reference to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the UAE, UNN reports .

The Ministry reaffirmed the UAE's commitment to continuing efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine, emphasizing its consistent position in calling for diplomacy, dialogue and de-escalation, as well as its desire to support all initiatives that mitigate the humanitarian consequences of the crisis,

- the statement said.


It is noted that thanks to the UAE's mediation, prisoners from Russia and Ukraine were released twice in early January 2024, and another successful mediation in December 2022, which led to the release and exchange of two prisoners between the United States and Russia.


On February 8, the head of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine Kyrylo Budanov said that thanks to cooperation with the UAE and other friends of Ukraine, another 100 defenders were returned home from Russian captivity, bringing the total number of returnees since the beginning of the war to 3135.

Ukraine exchanges 100 defenders from Russian captivity, 84 of them are Mariupol defenders2/8/24, 8:40 PM


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