
White House confirmed US participation in the peace summit in Ukraine, but did not specify Biden's participation

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Сполучені Штати підтвердили свою участь у майбутньому мирному саміті в Україні, який пройде в Швейцарії в наступному місяці, але не уточнили, хто саме представлятиме країну на цьому заході.

The United States has confirmed its participation in a peace summit in Ukraine scheduled for next month in Switzerland. This was stated by White House press secretary Karin Jean-Pierre during a briefing on May 28, while not announcing who exactly will arrive at the event from the United States, writes UNN.

We have actively participated in each of the previous Ukrainian peace summits, which is something that the US government is obviously involved in, and we will continue to be represented at the summit, including in the future

Jean-Pierre said.

When asked about the participation of the US president, the White House anniversary noted that she "has nothing to share today about anything specific." "But we took an active part, this is what we are involved in regarding this summit," she said.

Швейцарія прийме Саміт миру в Україні 15-16 червня: розповіла про запрошених та мету конференції02.05.24, 13:24


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