
The situation is particularly tense in the Avdiivka and Zaporizhzhia sectors: Syrskyi visited the combat zone and made a number of decisions

 • 26284 переглядiв

The situation remains complicated in many parts of the frontline, with particularly intense fighting in the Avdiivka and Zaporizhzhia sectors, where Russian troops are trying to capture such localities as Tonenke and Orlivka.

The situation at the frontline is particularly tense at the Avdiivka and Zaporizhzhya directions, the enemy is trying to capture Tonenke, Orlivka, Semenivka, Berdychi, Krasnohorivka, fierce fighting continues in the areas of Verbove and Robotyno, said the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi, who also told about his visit to the military in the Avdiivka direction and the allocation of additional ammunition and material resources, as well as reserves, UNN reports.

The situation in the area of operation of the Ukrainian Defense Forces remains difficult. The enemy continues active offensive actions in many areas of the front line. The situation is particularly tense in the Avdiivka and Zaporizhzhya sectors, where Russian assault units are trying to break through the defense of our troops and capture the settlements of Tonenke, Orlivka, Semenivka, Berdychi, Krasnohorivka. Fierce fighting continues in the areas of Verbove and Robotyne, over which the enemy is trying to regain control

- Syrsky wrote on Facebook.

The Ukrainian Armed Forces Commander-in-Chief said that he "started his work in the combat zone with the Donetsk TOT, in the units holding the defense in the Avdiivka sector".

In the course of my work, some commanders revealed certain miscalculations in their command of the situation and assessment of the enemy, which directly affected the sustainability of defense in certain areas. I took all measures to remedy the situation on the ground, with the allocation of additional resources of ammunition and material resources, as well as the necessary reserves

- Syrsky noted.

He also noted "the courage, resilience and heroism of the servicemen of the 3rd assault and 25th separate airborne brigades". "They knocked out the enemy, who broke through to the outskirts of Orlivka, with bold and decisive actions," emphasized Syrsky.

По скупченню російських військ в Оленівці завдали ракетного удару, знищили 19 окупантів - Генштаб29.02.24, 08:16


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