
The situation is already starting to spiral out of control: Poles block a bus from Ukraine, Kubrakov reacts

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Polish protesters stopped a bus at the Rava-Ruska-Hrebenne border crossing and detained one passenger, which has raised concerns among Ukraine's Deputy Prime Minister Oleksandr Kubrakov, who emphasizes that an immediate reaction from the Polish government is important.

At the border, Polish protesters blocked a bus from Ukraine, and one of the passengers was "detained" by unknown persons. The incident was reacted to by the Deputy Prime Minister for Reconstruction - Minister of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure Oleksandr Kubrakov, who noted that an immediate reaction of the Polish government is important, reports UNN.


According to media reports, Polish protesters stopped a passenger bus at the Rava Ruska-Hrebenne border crossing point. One of the passengers, previously an Israeli citizen, was detained by unknown persons.

"The situation is already starting to get out of hand and beyond the bounds of civilized protest. There are women and children on the bus who cannot be held hostage to any protest. I emphasized this during a conversation with Jacek Siewera, the head of Poland's National Security Bureau. This is a dangerous picture that will be fully used by the Russians to split European unity.

Польські фермери біля пункту пропуску "Медика-Шегині" розсипали зерно з вантажного вагону20.02.24, 12:12

We are sure that such actions are supported by an absolute minority in Poland. I am sure that the Polish government definitely does not support such actions. Their immediate reaction is important," Kubrakov commented on the situation.

According to him, as of 5:30 p.m., passenger traffic is hampered at the Dolhobychuv-Uhryniv and Zosin-Ustyluh checkpoints.


The State Border Guard Service saidthat Polish strikers have eased traffic restrictions near the border with Ukraine - they are ready to let a truck through every hour in both directions at the Hrebenne-Rava-Ruska border crossing, and 5 cars through every 30 minutes at the Zosin-Ustylug border crossing.

Польські фермери планують продовжити блокаду кордону до квітня20.02.24, 15:08


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