
The satellite image shows fire and smoke at the site of the strike in occupied Luhansk

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The satellite image shows fire and smoke at the site of the strike on the former police academy in Russian-occupied Luhansk.

A satellite image of the site of the strike on the suburbs of temporarily occupied Luhansk appeared on Monday, May 20. The photo was published by Radio Liberty, reports UNN.


A satellite image taken on May 20 shows a fire and thick smoke at the site of the strike inflicted on the building of the former Academy of the Ministry of internal affairs in Luhansk in the morning of the same day.


The leader of the LPR terrorist organization, Leonid Pasechnik, said that the strike was carried out on the village of Yubileynoye – allegedly it was done by Ukrainian forces with French-British-made SCALP missiles.

The head of the Luhansk regional military administration Artem Lysogor, referring to local residents, wrote that the former Luhansk Academy of internal affairs, where the military camp of the invaders was allegedly equipped, was attacked.

Representatives of the Defense Forces did not comment on the incident.

Є значні пошкодження цистерн із пально-мастильними матеріалами: партизани про удари Сил оборони по окупованій Луганщині21.05.24, 18:57


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