
The National Police is preparing new standards for vetting heads of law enforcement agencies: Klymenko

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The National Police is preparing new standards for polygraph testing of law enforcement officials. According to the new standards, the heads of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies will be subjected to polygraph tests

The National Police is preparing new standards for vetting law enforcement officers. In particular, the heads of law enforcement agencies will be subjected to polygraph tests. This was stated by Ihor Klymenko in an interview with Moseychuk+, UNN reports.

As of today, we can clearly state that all leaders:  from the head of the National Police, the heads of the National Police, deputy departments, heads of regional police units, they will be thoroughly checked. And on a polygraph (in particular - ed.). We are now developing a new framework for these checks. On the other hand, we ask that we be informed. It is very easy to make a mistake.

- Klymenko said.


The minister noted that it is very difficult to check the presence of a Russian passport, as the official database is now closed. Klymenko warns that the police may have questions. After all, there are methods for verifying Russian citizenship, but they are hidden and illegal, and this could potentially discredit the police.

The Interior Minister also noted that Ukrainian law enforcement officers who remained in the Russian-occupied Ukrainian territories and cooperated with the enemy would be held accountable. Klymenko called on the traitorous ex-police officers to draw appropriate conclusions.

And they (traitors) should remember and be afraid all the time. When we regain these territories, we will reach them. They have to live in fear. I want them to live in fear - those people who betrayed their oath and who betrayed the country. 

-  The Interior Minister emphasized.

Ihor Klymko said that all those who remained in Crimea in 2014, those who remained in the occupied Donetsk and Luhansk regions in the same year, and those who remained after February 24, 2022 in the territories subsequently occupied by Russian troops will be held accountable under the law.


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