
The Ministry of Health reminded that in case of a stray animal bite, it is necessary to consult a doctor

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If you are bitten by a stray animal, you should immediately seek medical attention, as most rabies-related fatalities occur due to untimely medical attention or the belief that a healthy-looking animal is not a threat.

Most of the fatalities associated with rabies infection through animal bites occur because people do not seek medical attention in time or believe that a healthy-looking animal is not a threat. This was stated by Deputy Minister, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ukraine Ihor Kuzin during a briefing, according to a UNN correspondent.


Kuzin notes that rabies fatalities are being reported in Ukraine. Last year there was one such case, and in 2024, one death was also registered.

On average, the number of bites remains more or less stable. But we understand that now in areas such as Chernihiv, Kharkiv, and Zaporizhzhia regions, where there is a significant number of stray animals, the number of bites may increase. This poses a danger

- says the Deputy Minister.

He added that most fatalities occur because people do not seek medical help in time or believe that if an animal has been at home for a long time and looks normal, there is no reason to see a doctor.


Since the beginning of the year, seven cases of rabies among animals have been recorded in Volyn , five of them due to pets.

40 уколів в живіт від сказу - це міф: Кузін розповів, що потрібно робити у випадку укусу тварин14.05.24, 14:27


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