
The EU imposes a €1.8 billion antitrust fine on Apple for unlawful terms of use of apps

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The European Commission has fined Apple EUR 1.8 billion for violating antitrust laws due to the terms of use of the App Store, which disadvantaged competitors in the music streaming market and restricted users.

The European Commission has fined Apple for violating antitrust laws, imposing a fine of 1.8 billion euros for illegal conditions in applications. This was reported by UNN with reference to Politico.


The European Union accuses the corporation of abusing its dominant position in the music streaming market for iPhone and iPad users. Therefore, EU regulators fined Apple more than €1.8 billion for illegal rules of the app store that could lead to higher prices for streaming music subscriptions.

Such "anti-redirection clauses" constitute unfair trading conditions that violate antitrust rules, according to the European Commission, and are "neither necessary nor proportionate" to protect Apple's own commercial interests. This behavior has also negatively impacted customers, who cannot make informed and effective decisions about where to purchase music subscriptions, and has worsened the user experience due to cumbersome search for offers outside the app.

The antitrust investigation was triggered by a complaint from the Swedish service Spotify about the need to increase the cost of a monthly subscription due to the App Store's commission.

Apple illegally restricted the ability of developers to inform users about cheaper options for buying music outside its ecosystem

- European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager wrote on the social network X.

Now Apple will have to remove the conditions that prevent developers from notifying users about other subscription methods.

Європейський Союз оштрафує Apple на 500 мільйонів євро 19.02.24, 04:25


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