
The court left ex-deputy secretary of the national security and Defense Council Hladkovsky under absentee arrest

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The appeals chamber of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has left former First Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleh Hladkovsky under arrest in absentia, who is suspected of causing damage to the state totaling UAH 17.44 million.

The appeals chamber of the Supreme Anti-Corruption Court left under absentee arrest former First Deputy Secretary of the national security and Defense Council Oleh Hladkovsky, who is a suspect in the case of causing damage to the state totaling UAH 17.44 million. UNN reports with reference to SAPO.

On May 30, 2024, the panel of judges of the VAKS appeals chamber supported the position of the SAPO prosecutor and rejected the defense's appeal against the decision of the investigating judge of the VAKS dated 13.05.2024, by which the former First Deputy Secretary of the national security and Defense Council was given a preventive measure in the form of detention

- the message says.

It is reported that the court agreed with the arguments of the SAPO prosecutor and left the measure of restraint for the specified accused unchanged.


On May 13, VAKS chose a measure of restraint for former First Deputy Secretary of the national security and Defense Council Gladkovsky in the form of absentee arrest.

On October 19, 2019, VAKS arrested the former First Deputy Secretary of the national security and Defense Council with the alternative of paying UAH 10.6 million in bail.

On October 21, 2019, bail was paid for him and he was released from the pre-trial detention center.

In March 2022, the court paid bail in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and changed the measure of restraint to a personal obligation. After that, the accused stopped appearing at court sessions, and according to the NABU and SAPO, he went abroad altogether. Consequently, he was put on the Wanted list.

SAPO informs that on April 16, 2024, the panel of judges of the Supreme arbitration court granted the request of the SAPO prosecutor to put on the Wanted list Former First Deputy Secretary of the national security and Defense Council Oleg Gladkovsky.

Суд арештував ексвійськкома Борисова з можливістю внесення застави у розмірі 140 млн грн30.05.24, 17:37


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